Low Carb Diabetes Coaching

with Lisa La Nasa

Imagine a life

-- your life -- 

where diabetes isn't so stressful.

Where you feel in control because you know exactly what to do and when.


A life where diabetes is merely an inconvenience. 


One-on-one diabetes coaching will help you problem-solve and achieve your personal diabetes goals faster than you could imagine.

Offering a variety of coaching programs, Lisa La Nasa will help you gain control of diabetes

and give you all the tools you need to create a sustainable low carb lifestyle and normalized, non-diabetic blood sugar levels.


Scroll down to learn more about each coaching program and start improving your outcome today. 


2-Week VIP
Intensive Coaching

Intensive coaching is everything you need in two concise weeks. Designed for busy, ultra-motivated people, this is an in-depth program that yields BIG results. 


Jumpstart to Control

This program will help you break self-sabotage, build strong new habits for success, improve your results, and create a sustainable low carb plan for your future. 

Coaching Continuation


For previous diaVerge Coaching clients, we offer flexible a-la-carte programs to help you with exactly what you need, when you need it, to stay successful for the long-term. 

Meet Your Coach:

Lisa La Nasa is a diabetes advocate, educator, and low carb diabetes wellness coach. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2002 and struggled with diabetes management and clinical depression for 13 long years. 


After the beginning stages of kidney damage and her highest A1c ever, Lisa went searching for answers and what she found changed her life. In 2015, Lisa launched diaVerge.com to teach what she's learned about diabetes management.


Lisa believes that everyone with diabetes has the right to know how they can attain steady, non-diabetic blood glucose levels through proper nutrition and specific medication management.


Lisa is an Associate Diabetes Educator through the AADE, and has taught thousands of people worldwide through international speaking, personal coaching, courses, and the diaVerge online membership community LCT1D.com.   

Lisa has lived in 4 countries on three continents and has traveled to numerous others since her diagnosis of T1D. She currently lives in Valencia, Spain with her husband, two young daughters, and their rescue dog.

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